Posts tagged expensive
Lessons Learned from Love

We came on this trip because this is where my father-in-law Dave would bring us over and over again. It was a magical place for him and sharing his love for it made it a magical place for us. He taught me more than anyone else that having money could be something incredible not flashy, compassionate not assuming, full of love not jealousy. He worked hard his whole life to provide the kind of life he wanted for his children, he lived modestly and saved smartly.

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Christmas Preparedness

Christmas happens the exact same time every year. I know this, and you know this. So how is it that every year we get to the holiday and realize we don’t have money for Christmas. Instead we freak out, try to find deals, try to pick up extra hours or odd jobs to get together the cash we need, or we just put it all on the credit card and then we can deal with it later.

I am on a mission to help save us all from the dreaded post-holiday depression that comes from out of control and unplanned holiday spending.

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